• 丰田 2.5吨用型号叉车电瓶 TOYOTA铅酸蓄电池VGD565 48V565Ah


     品牌:贝朗斯  型号:VGD565 48V565Ah  化学类型:铅酸  
     电压:48V  类型:牵引型  荷电状态:带液充电态  
     电池盖和排气栓结构:开口式  额定容量:565Ah  外形尺寸:815*905*479 mm 
     适用范围:叉车  票据支持:13%增值税  配送支持:全国多地提供安装  
     保修期:二年  检验标准:原厂包装、原厂配件   
    丰田叉车2.5吨用什么型号叉车电瓶?丰田7FB25配套贝朗斯品牌VGD565,48V565Ah,高性能牵引动力组,动力寿命深循环1500次,五年以上设计动力,丰田叉车蓄电池采用JIS标准设计,符合丰田电动叉车安装规格,失水少,寿命长, 叉车蓄电池在性能参数上会有着不同的特点,所以大部分叉车设备厂家在市场上选购的时候还是会进行综合的对比,为的就是找到性价比*高的一家品牌,这样在设计上还是会更加先进一流的,在品质销量上会越来越高的;现如今,随着叉车设备不断升级以后,你会发现每一台叉车设备上基本上都已经设计了比较先进的蓄电池,这样在节能环保方面的效果上还是会更好的。在对比了其叉车蓄电池设计的结构特点和功能性来说,你会知道在其特点上是越来越多的,也是越来越先进的。 
    作为丰田叉车蓄电池生产厂家,必须提醒用户, 叉车电池出现“爬酸”主要原因:电池极柱连接固定不当,使用中由于震动造成连接处螺栓与正、负极柱扭矩过大,长时间在这种状态下工作,造成正、负极柱与电池外壳密封结构破坏,出现极细小的裂缝,电池内部酸液由此外浸所致。解决方法:热水里加入面碱,搅拌融化后,浇在级柱上,中和上面的酸。边浇边用牙刷刷,特别是V型槽处。然后用清水冲干净。用热风枪(塑料焊枪)加热V型槽处,一会塑料就会融化,变换风枪的角度,使融化的塑料填平V型槽。冷却后完工。预防方法:叉车电池极柱胶要求胶体本身力学性能良好,高强度,高韧性,耐酸,耐疲劳;同时,对于金属和有机物的两项材质粘接良好,粘接面达到与胶体本身同样的高强度,高韧性,耐酸,耐疲劳,耐高低温充放电等使用要求,这样,才可以保证在叉车电池使用寿命内,不会出现因密封环节不良导致的"爬酸"现象。
    What forklift battery does TOYOTA forklift use for 2.5 tons? TOYOTA 7FB25 lens supporting shellfish brand VGD565, 48V565Ah, high performance traction group, dynamic life cycle 1500 times, more than five years of power design, JIS standard is used to design the TOYOTA forklift battery, with TOYOTA electric forklift installation specifications, less water loss, long service life, forklift battery will have different characteristics in the performance parameters. So when most forklift equipment manufacturers in the market to buy or make a comprehensive comparison, in order to find cost-effective a brand, so in the design will be more advanced, will be more and more high in quality of sales; now, with forklift equipment upgrades, you'll find that each a forklift equipment basically has designed the battery more advanced, or it will be better in energy-saving environmental protection effect. In contrast to the structural features and functionality of the forklift battery design, you will know that the characteristics of its battery are more and more, and more and more advanced.www.ccsobattery.com叉车电池
    TOYOTA forklift battery 2.5 tons price is about 24 thousand, Quanguolianbao, 2 years warranty, less maintenance, adequate inventory, all of the perfect lens shell brand soft connection, reasonable design, forklift battery through soft cable insulation to connect electricity, so the possibility in the electric shock is very small, this has significantly improved the safety of forklift operation process, in the process of application will know this new battery has reached the domestic first-class technical level in technology and quality, after extended to most of the forklift equipment manufacturers, will know the battery function and practicability than the traditional oil. The valve designed on the forklift battery has an electrolyte structure, so it can be automatically controlled, and it has an important guarantee for the safety of its circuit. In short, when the design is used as microporous separators to import high quality, from a design perspective, see one of the features is diversified, in its function, or to be more advanced in the market, the sales will be greater.
    As a manufacturer of TOYOTA forklift battery, to remind the user, forklift battery "climb acid" is the main reason: the battery pole is fixedly connected with the improper use due to vibration caused by the connecting bolt and the positive and negative pole torque is too large, long time working in this state, a positive and negative pole and battery shell sealing structure damage, cracks appear very small, inside the battery acid which was caused by. Solution: add hot water to the base, stir, melt, pour on the column, and neutralize the acid above. Brush while pouring, especially at the V groove. Then rinse it with clean water. Heat the V slot with a hot air gun (plastic torch), and then melt the plastic and change the angle of the air gun to fill the V groove. Finished after cooling. Prevention methods: forklift battery electrode column requirements colloid itself good mechanical properties, high strength, high toughness, acid resistance, fatigue resistance; at the same time, for the two bonding metal and organic matter, the adhesive surface of high strength, high toughness and colloid itself, acid resistance, fatigue resistance, high temperature, charge the use of such discharge, it can ensure the forklift battery life, not because of acid leakage "phenomenon caused by bad sealing link".
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