• 合力蓄电池叉车CPD10S~15S电池 HELI牵引车电瓶安装说明24-3PZS420H


     品牌:贝朗斯  型号:24-3PZS420H  化学类型:铅酸  
     电压:48V  类型:牵引型  电池盖和排气栓结构:开口式  
     额定容量:420  外形尺寸:835*418*774(789) mm 适用范围:叉车  
     票据支持:13%增值税,销售合同  配送支持:送货上门,全国多地提供安装  保修期:二年  


    贝朗斯品牌叉车电池深循环能力1200次以上,优化电池活性物质配方,电池容量高于DIN40742标准;单体大容量1500AH,避免了电池并联造成的容量损耗和不平衡;蓄电池作为蓄电池叉车的动力“引擎”,要想延长其使用寿命,就要对蓄电池做好保护措施。目前行业中使用的蓄电池与传统的蓄电池是不一样的,不再需要添加任何液体,电量存储的时间也更长了。但在使用蓄电池的时候,很多人很容易会忽视一些看似简单但重要的问题。贝朗斯动力蓄电池组,集中自动加水系统可以从电池系统的中心点完成对电池组内所有电池单体的加水。该系统加水安全阀如前图所示,可自动保持电池单体的液位,同时也允许充电过程中产生的气体逸出和测量电解液比重的操作;合力蓄电池48V420Ah叉车电瓶24-3PZS420H配件表。Heli forklift battery CPD10S ~ 15S forklift battery which is good, 48V420Ah 3PZS420H force battery forklift battery accessories, recommended brand force as the host shell lens power source, high cost, model specification is complete, convenient maintenance, forklift battery accessories together as shell lens is an important part of quality and stability, the use of tubular positive plate technology is mature the. The positive plate adopts a die cast grid, and the active material is stored in a row of tubes made of polyester material; the negative plate uses a strengthened plate type polar plate. Between the positive plate and the negative plate is a porous membrane with a raised diaphragm0n0ne side.

    The shell of the battery body is made of polypropylene material with high impact resistance and high temperature resistance. The shell cover adopts heat sealing technology to prevent leakage of electrolyte. The battery is insulated by a fully insulated, halogen free flexible connecting strip. The method of fixing the connecting strip by bolt can make the removal of the monomer in the battery pack for maintenance or replacement simple and fast. The safety valve each battery is fitted with a relief valve to allow the gas to escape during charging. The addition of purified water and the measurement of the specific gravity of the electrolyte can be carried out through the relief valve. The safety valve also has a battery to prevent the flow of electrolyte. The common battery used by the electric stack truck shall be charged0nce a month, and the other batteries shall be supplied with distilled water periodically depending0n the consumption of water. For the temporary use of batteries, can be delayed for several months in the replenishment. After filling the battery, the right amount of electricity should be added. If some batteries appear, the liquid level drops quickly, and the water supply is frequent. Check the regulator limit0n the car, whether the voltage is too high or not. Too high, there will be charging, water consumption, evaporation fast, this situation can be resolved by adjusting the limit voltage.

    Berans brand forklift battery for deep cycle capacity for more than 1200 times, the optimization of battery active material formula, the battery capacity is higher than the DIN40742 standard; the maximum single capacity of 1500AH, to avoid the loss caused by the capacity of batteries in parallel and unbalanced; battery as power battery forklift engine ', to prolong its service life, we should do a good job protection measures the battery. At present, the battery used in industry is different from the traditional battery, no longer need to add any liquid, the storage time is longer. But when using batteries,

    a lot of people tend to ignore something that seems simple but important. The Berans power storage battery, a centralized automatic water filling system, can add water to all battery monomers in the battery pack from the central point of the battery system. The system of water safety valve as shown in the figure, can automatically maintain the level of the single battery, it also allows the gas generated during charging and measuring electrolyte density; 48V420Ah 24-3PZS420H force battery forklift battery accessories.

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