诺力叉车电瓶24-8DB400可适用诺力电瓶叉车FE4F16/18(AC),铁箱参数:970*600*430mm;48V400Ah是诺力蓄电池电压及容量,贝朗斯品牌配套诺力专用电动叉车蓄电池组,设计寿命长,安装简单快捷,价格不贵,十分适合老百姓家庭企业诺力叉车使用。诺力FE4F16和诺力叉车FE4F18铁箱尺寸一致,安装标准一样,随着环保和循环利用理念的深入,国家越来越提倡环保的出行方式。很多企业都开始使用蓄电池来代替石油作为发动能源,比如电动叉车都使用了蓄电池。叉车蓄电池的工作电流大小, 影响到叉车的工作时间,电瓶叉车有两个电机,一个是行走电机,一个是油泵电机,其中行走电机功率比较小,输出的电流一般在20A~40A之间,超过这个范 围值,叉车电机碳刷可能损坏,导致工作时间缩短,还有油泵电机,即是起叉载重的电机,这个叉车电机功率比较大,输出的电流也比较高,但是起叉货物输出的电 流不可超过叉车蓄电池容量的五分之一,否则存在过度大电流放电,极板活性物质脱落,工作时间受到影响,电瓶叉车是指以 电瓶为动力的平衡重式叉车,具有操作简单,无废气污染,适合在室内作业,随环保要求的提高,需求有较快的增长,尤其是中、小吨位的电瓶叉车。叉车是工业搬 运车辆,是指对成件托盘货物进行装卸、堆垛和短距离运输作业的各种轮式搬运车辆。国际标准化组织ISO/TC110称为工业车辆。常用于仓储大型物件的运 输,通常使用燃油机或者蓄电池驱动。诺力FE4F16/18叉车专用电瓶24-8DB400http://www.ccsobattery.com/yyzsshow.asp?nid=489&lid=90

在使用诺力叉车蓄电池时候需要记得维护和保养,众所周知,蓄电池是一种将电能储存为电能,需要放电时再将化学能转化成电能的电池,可二次使用,所以也叫二次电池。他的工作原理是:利用外部电能使内部活性物质再生,把电能储存为化学能,需要放电时,再将化学能转化成电能输出,从而提供电能。叉车电池是根据车辆电机功率 输出的电流来恒定工作的时间,同款电瓶叉车,功率输出结果不同,那么叉车工作起来的时间、耗电量有很大的差距,比如:一组2.5吨的叉车,配置的是 9PZS630,48V630AH的牵引叉车电池,电池的总功率计算方法为:电压48,容量是630,那么总功率是:30240W,如果叉车的电机是 5KW,以5KW的功率放电可以工作6小时左右,参照容量630AH,国标是5HR放电的630/5=126A的电流输出,工作时间是5小时,诺力FE4F16/18叉车专用电瓶24-8DB400。

Connaught 24-8DB400 forklift battery for electric forklift truck FE4F16/18 Connaught (AC), iron box parameters: 970*600*430mm; 48V400Ah is nowlis battery voltage and capacity, shell lens brand supporting the Connaught special electric forklift battery design, long service life, simple and easy installation, the price is not expensive, very suitable for business people use forklift family nowlis. Connaught Connaught forklift FE4F18 FE4F16 and iron box size, installation standards, along with the deepening of the concept of environmental protection and recycling, more and more countries advocate the green way to travel. Many companies are starting to use batteries instead of oil as an energy source, such as electric forklifts, which use batteries. The current size of forklift battery, affect the forklift work time, forklift truck has two motor, a walking motor, a pump motor, wherein the walking motor power is relatively small, the output current is generally 20A ~ 40A, exceed this range, forklift motor brushes may be damaged and cause work time is shortened, and the oil pump motor, which is from the fork load of the motor, the motor power forklift is relatively large, the output current is relatively high, but the current output of the goods fork can not be more than 1/5 forklift battery capacity, otherwise there is excessive discharge, plate active material shedding, the working time is affected, battery forklift refers to the battery powered forklift trucks, has the advantages of simple operation, no pollution, suitable for indoor operation, with the requirements of environmental protection Improve, demand growth has been rapid, especially medium and small tonnage of battery forklift. Forklift is an industrial moving vehicle, which refers to all kinds of wheeled vehicles for loading and unloading pallets, stacking and short distance transportation. The international organization for Standardization (ISO/TC110) is called industrial vehicles. Often used for storage of large items of transportation, usually using a fuel engine or battery drive. Connaught FE4F16/18 forklift battery 24-8DB400
As everyone knows in the use of Connaught forklift batteries need to remember when maintenance, the battery is a kind of electrical energy into electrical energy storage, the need to discharge the chemical energy into electrical energy of the battery, can be used for the two time, it is also called the two battery. The principle of his work is that the external energy can be used to regenerate the internal active material, and the electric energy can be stored as chemical energy. When the discharge is needed, the chemical energy can be converted into electric energy output to provide electric energy. Forklift battery is constant according to the current vehicle motor power output time, with a forklift, power output is different, so the working time, the power consumption of a large gap, such as: a group of 2.5 tons of forklifts, forklift battery traction configuration is 9PZS630,48V630AH, the total power battery calculation method for voltage 48, capacity is 630, so the total power is 30240W, if the forklift motor is 5KW, power to discharge 5KW can work 6 hours or so, according to the capacity of 630AH, GB is 5HR output current discharge of 630 /5=126A, the working time is 5 hours, nowlis FE4F16/18 forklift battery 24-8DB400.

Many people in the charging pool there is a certain misunderstanding, Ding day battery to remind you to clear the following concepts, and then learn how to charge properly. First, the battery should be charged before initial use, which has a great impact on the battery life and charge capacity. To strictly follow instructions instructions for the first time charging, 5-8 hours or so, insufficient charge or excessive will affect the performance of the battery. Two, do not overcharge, not only lead to the active substances in the battery easily fall off, but also lead to excessive oxidation of the grid, thereby shortening the battery life. Connaught special battery forklift battery FE4F16/18 24-8DB400, 48V400AH.