奇瑞叉车电瓶型号品牌大全是指专门用于Chery奇瑞叉车蓄电池上的电瓶,不同牌子价格不同,奇瑞叉车电池分为DIN、BS、GB标准,覆盖奇瑞全系列电动叉车使用,我们根据铁箱尺寸来决定它的功率和使用时间,不同配套品牌质量有一定距离,设计寿命不同, 牵引蓄电池属于开口加液电池,非日常所见的免维护,目前在电池行业,还没研究出免维护阀控式的牵引叉车电瓶,这种开口电池后期需要经常加液,如果工作量大或者充电电流过大,那么 每次耗液量是很快的,那么我们该如果定量加液电池的标准呢?根据多年经验得知,加蒸馏水的时候高过极板10至15毫米即可;有两条红线的蓄电池,电解液不 得超过上红线。电解液太满会从蓄电池盖小孔中溢出。电解液导电,一旦流到蓄电池正、负两极之间,就会形成回路自放电。遇此情况就应将电解液擦掉,或用开水冲洗洗净。国约有30万辆电动叉车的保有量,其中约99%车辆都是基于铅酸蓄电池为动力源。由于大部分的叉车铅酸蓄电池未配备直流保险熔断装置和过流保护装置,所以每年都有很多由于铅酸蓄电池使用不当或维护不当造成各类火灾等安全事故,此处对电动叉车铅酸蓄电池的危险源原因进行探析:主回路电缆正负极短路,因无保险熔断装置造成的电缆过热而起火;主回路电缆使用时间过长,磨损严重,露出铜芯导致正负极电缆搭铁漏电或短路;溢出的电解液留在电池表面,形成电池极耳间漏电或短路,形成安全隐患;充电时,电池形成的酸雾对线缆和触点的腐蚀,造成接触电阻上升,局部大电流时过热;铅酸电池的电解液析出氢气,在电池周围形成易燃易爆的气体环境,如果通风不畅,遇到电气火花等极易出现严重事故。因此,铅酸蓄电池属于维护型电池,尤其是使用1年以上的“旧电池”,更需要叉车司机和维修人员倍加注意才可。


Chery forklift battery model brand Daquan is devoted to the Chery Chery forklift battery the battery of different brands, different prices, Chery forklift battery is divided into DIN, BS, GB standard, covering the full range of Chery electric forklift, we according to the iron box size to determine its power and the use of time, there is a certain distance matching different brand quality, the design life of different traction battery waterable batteries belong to open, non daily see maintenance free, at present in the battery industry, has not developed a maintenance free valve controlled traction type forklift battery, this battery after the opening period often need to add liquid, if the workload or the charging current is too large, so every time the liquid consumption is very fast, so if the US quantitative liquid battery standard? According to years of experience that, when distilled water is higher than the plate 10 to 15 millimeters can; there are two red lines of the battery, electrolyte shall not exceed the upper red line.

The electrolyte is too full and will overflow from the small hole in the battery cover. Electrolyte conduction, once the flow to the battery between the positive and negative poles, will form a loop self discharge. In this case, the electrolyte should be rubbed off or rinsed with boiling water. The country has about 300 thousand electric forklift ownership, of which about 99% vehicles are based on lead-acid batteries as the power source. Because most of the forklift battery is not equipped with DC fuse device and overcurrent protection device, so every year there are many because of improper use or improper maintenance of lead-acid batteries caused by all kinds of fire safety accidents, dangerous source of electric forklift battery here because of the original: the main circuit cable negative short circuit, overheat caused by free cable fuse device and fire; a long time, the use of the main loop cable with copper core leads to serious wear, negative ground cable leakage or short circuit; the electrolyte in the battery from the surface, the formation of battery pole between leakage or short circuit, the formation of security risks; when charging the battery on the formation of acid corrosion caused by cable and contacts. The contact resistance increases, the current local overheating; hydrogen electrolyte lead-acid batteries, formed in the surrounding cell Flammable and explosive gas environment, if ventilation is not smooth, encountered electrical sparks, etc., prone to serious accidents. Therefore, lead-acid batteries belong to the maintenance type batteries, especially the use of more than 1 years of "old batteries", but also need forklift drivers and maintenance personnel pay more attention to.
How much is a Chery forklift battery? Forklift accessories shop, each battery suppliers offer different, the quality is not equal to that in the background of low-carbon environmental protection, whether it is from the national reform level, or from the enterprise's own development angle, forklift industry by a diesel engine to power source of power to drive the "promotion" is the inevitable. Compared to the internal combustion balance forklift, the most obvious advantage of the balanced forklift is environmental protection and energy saving. "Different from the ordinary internal combustion counterbalanced forklift truck with diesel, the internal battery forklift by lifting motor traction motor and the two motor, in the work process, no emissions, low noise, impact on the environment is almost equal to zero." Although the price of accumulator forklift is more expensive than that of internal combustion forklift, the battery forklift has less pollution and lower daily cost, which has captured more and more customers' hearts. Energy saving, 2T battery forklift, for example, charging 1 hours, power consumption of 3.84 degrees, 8 hours for 30.72 degrees, 8 hours after charging, count conversion and loss rate, the cost of 42.4 yuan. If the working time is 5-8 hours, then the average hourly cost is 5.3 yuan -8.5 yuan, that is to say, the 1000 hour cost is 5300 yuan -8500 yuan. And in the same case, diesel forklift 1 hours fuel consumption of 4.5 liters, the hourly cost of work is about 35.19 yuan, 1000 hours work costs 35910 yuan. Guangzhou Bei Langsi professional supply high performance Chery forklift battery, cost-effective, stable discharge.