2 .底盘部分
一般叉车多为平衡式叉车,正如跷跷板一样,所以必须先找出载荷的重心。这个重心我们叫做载荷中心,即是托盘的一半长度。例如:托盘的尺寸是长度(D)1000mm×宽度(W)1200mm,那么载荷中心就是500mm。叉车的载荷中心大多以500mm或600mm为主,所以要知道叉车的标准载荷中心时,就必须从该种叉车的规格表或叉车图中找出。叉车的吨位是指叉车装卸、搬运货物的***大负荷值,是根据各部分的结构强度液压系统压力及稳定性等来设计的.平衡重式叉车的稳定性简言之就是杠杆原理(跷跷板) ,在临界状态,如果货物侧有微小的力作用,叉车就会前翻.
在车辆设计中,安全系数一般设定为≥1.4,以确保叉车安全作业. 负荷曲线表表明了允许负荷及负荷中心的关系,在负荷表值范围内作业可以防止事故的发生
(1). 平衡重式柴油叉车,体积较大,但其稳定性好,宜于重载,使用时间无限制,使用场地一般在室外。与汽油发动机相比,柴油发动机动力性较好(低速不易熄火、过载能力、长时间作业能力强),燃油费用低.但振动大、噪音大、排气量大 、自重大、价格高, 荷重量可由0.5吨至45吨。
(2).平衡重式汽油叉车,体积较大,但其稳定性好,宜于重载,使用时间无限制,使用场地一般在室外。汽油发动机外形小,自重轻,输出功率大,工作噪音及振动小 且价格低.但汽油机过载能力、长时间作业能力较差,燃油费用相当较高.荷重量可由0.5吨至4.5吨。
(3).平衡重液化石油气叉车(简称LPG)即是平衡重式汽油叉车上加装液化石油气转换装置,即成为LPG叉车, 通过转换开关能进行使用汽油和液化气的切换。 LPG叉车***大的优点是尾气排放好,一氧化炭(CO)排 放明显少于汽油机,燃油费用低(15KG的液化气相当于20升汽油),适用于对环境要求较高的的室内作业。

Connaught battery generally refers to used for traction battery forklift truck nowlis, deep circulation ability, work long time, nowlis forklift battery brand optional: Guangzhou Bei longs, Zibo torch Torch, Japan GSYUASA, German HOPPECKE, British HAWKER enersys, Anhui Xunqi XQ as electric forklifts brand, far different brand forklift battery price gap of course, life design is different, Noblelift forklift battery forklift forklift type according to the original set of models, voltage, battery capacity to determine the different types of different parameters, the installation position is not the same, the standard design drawings consult Guangzhou Bei rance company. Connaught electric forklift battery using the tubular positive plate of mature technology. The positive plate adopts a die cast grid, and the active material is stored in a row of tubes made of polyester material; the negative plate uses a strengthened plate type polar plate. Between the positive plate and the negative plate is a porous membrane with a raised diaphragm on one side. The shell of the battery body is made of polypropylene material with high impact resistance and high temperature resistance. The shell cover adopts heat sealing technology to prevent leakage of electrolyte.
Connaught Noblelift forklift battery group how much money? Where do you sell them? What about the quality? According to the brand, capacity price system, nowlis forklift is widely applied to all kinds of cold storage, food industry, logistics, factory terminals and other places. Generally available in the 4S store, Connaught forklift forklift accessories shop, forklift repair shop sells. Guangzhou Bei lens can give you good service, cost-effective lead-acid batteries. Berans forklift battery can be divided into DIN and BS standards, the use of batteries installed on the pipe system to work. The diaphragm pumps the low velocity air into the battery, allowing the airflow to circulate in the battery housing. The system can effectively prevent electrolyte delamination and ensure charging optimization. In the same dimensions, it has higher capacity, longer running time and higher reliability, and effectively integrates European standards in capacity and size.
Connaught electric forklift battery installation structure, including for carrying a battery box, battery in the battery box and the hook for locking the battery box locking mechanism, hook with locking groove, the locking mechanism comprises a lock is inserted into the groove of the limit shaft and drive the locking groove of the electromagnet withdrawal limit a shaft
Most of the existing forklift with large capacity battery for power driven vehicle, when the battery placed in the battery compartment within the body, from the start, brake, steering, impact and shaking out; to remove the battery or the battery in the car outside the warehouse after use, to recharge the battery charging; after the battery can be loaded into the battery compartment. While the weight of battery forklift is usually 300kg-3000kg, difficult to rely on manpower for the battery into and removed, and the battery forklift a full charge can use 5-8 hours, so we need to move out and often battery. This requires a device that can move in and remove the battery without human effort, and can limit the battery after moving in to prevent the battery from sloshing out because of the start, the brake, and the impact.
In order to understand the structure and working principle of the forklift truck, and analyze and compare the two kinds of forklift trucks, such as power and internal combustion, their advantages and disadvantages are compared.
I. overall structure of fork lift truck
Fork lift truck has a wide range of types, but no matter what kind of fork lift truck, it is basically composed of 4 parts:
(1) power part. To provide power for forklifts, usually installed in the back of the forklift, and play the role of balance weight.
(2) chassis. Accept the power of the power unit to move the forklift and make sure it runs normally.
(3) work part. Fork and lift the goods.
(4) electrical equipment.
Due to the difference between the structure and installation position of the above 4 parts of the forklift truck, different kinds of forklifts are formed. Balanced forklift is one of the most common form of forklift truck. Below we take this kind of forklift truck as an example to introduce the components of each part of the forklift.
1. power part
The power part of internal combustion fork lift truck is mostly the former reciprocating plug type internal-combustion engine as motive power. The utility model comprises a gasoline engine, a diesel engine and a liquid petroleum gas machine; the power device of an electric forklift is composed of a storage battery and a DC series motor. In recent years, a new type of fork lift truck has come out. Their power is dual fuel or dual power.
A powertrain is a device that accepts power and transfers power to a drive train. It usually has two kinds of mechanical transmission system and hydraulic mechanical transmission system. The former is composed of a main transmission device and differential friction clutch, gear transmission, universal transmission device and mounted on the drive axle of the hydraulic torque converter; the latter to replace the friction clutch, and the rest of the same. In recent years, a new type of fork lift truck has come out, adopting full hydraulic transmission system. The drive element is reduced to ensure reliability.
2. chassis part
Driving system is the guarantee and support the entire rolling operation device of forklift forklift, a bracket, axles, wheels and suspension components; the front axle for forklift drive axle, which is to increase the load carrying axle axle load, in order to improve the quality of the driving wheel attached to the ground, to ensure the adhesion increased, driving force to give full play to the engine. The rear axle is a steering bridge. The steering device is located in front of the driver and the lever is placed on the right side of the driver's seat.
The steering system is used to make forklift truck in accordance with the driver's wishes to determine the direction of the walking system, forklift steering system according to the energy required for turning different, can be divided into mechanical steering system and power steering system two. The former is to drive