合力5吨叉车电瓶属于安徽HELI大吨位电瓶叉车,配上80V650Ah,容量大,电力足够,可起叉4-5吨的货物,十分够力,合力蓄电池型号为40-5PZS650H,这款属于牵引车,可选品牌配套:安徽迅启,淄博火炬,浙江天能作为动力来源,不同品牌的合力叉车电瓶价格不一样,广州贝朗斯动力电源有限公司长期提供原厂的合力电瓶组,属于一级配套市场产品,质量层层把关,保障了消费者的用车情况。用户在使用合力电瓶过程中, 电解液面低于极板 由于部队常年处于“三高”气候的环境中,水分容易蒸发,如果不及时检查和添加蒸馏水,会使极板露出液面并与空气接触而氧化。在行驶过程中,电解液上下波动,与极板的氧化部分接触,致使极板上部硫化。擦拭保养不及时 在平时保养车辆时,往往忽视对蓄电池进行擦拭保养,溢出的电解液长期堆积在盖板上,造成极桩与夹头腐蚀,产生氧化物,进而在盖板上形成通路,出现自行放电现象。忽略蓄电池的通气孔 新蓄电池盖上的通气孔是密封的,使用时必须使其导通。否则,在使用中产生的气体无法排出,蓄电池会因内压过高而爆炸。蓄电池添加蒸馏水太随意 通常在加完蒸馏水后,须就车通过发电机为蓄电池充电,使蒸馏水与电解液充分混合,蓄电池性能才不受影响。如果加蒸馏水后长期放置而不充电,蒸馏水与电解液没有充分混合,就会造成蓄电池的自放电或损坏蓄电池的极性。

合力5T叉车蓄电池充电次数可达1000次以上,赋予高出容量本身的10%,持续工作时间长,适合各种码头、、港口、大型仓储合力叉车使用, 经常检查正、负极极桩与连接导线接头之间的连结是否良好 蓄电池正、负极极柱与连接导线之间一般用铁螺丝作固定连接,电解液又很容易腐蚀螺丝螺母,使连接松动、接触电阻增大,从而造成电机启动无力或无法启动。因此,平时要经常检查该处是否松动并及时拧紧。此外,还有一个容易被忽略的地方,就是极桩与连接导线接头之间的2个接触表面是否有严重氧化或污垢,如有,则即使连接螺丝没有松动,电流流过此处时电阻仍很大,照样会造成起动机启动困难或无法启动。这时,应用刀片将2个接触表面刮净后再连接。连接好后,连接处表面*好涂些黄油或凡士林,以防受电解液的腐蚀和氧化。蓄电池亏电时,要及时补充充电 平时,如发现灯光暗淡、喇叭声沙哑、启动无力等现象,说明蓄电池已严重亏电。亏电的蓄电池极板很容易被硫化,使蓄电池容量下降,内阻增大,输出电流减小。这时应及时用充电机对蓄电池进行补充充电,直至电解液中产生大量气泡为止。蓄电池长期停用时应进行定时充电保养 车辆封存期间,蓄电池一般都应统一集中在蓄电池间,由专人负责维护保管。须知,蓄电池都存在一个内部自放电的问题,每天自放电量约2%,因此,蓄电池必须有专人专室保管,定时检查,每月至少补充充电1次,每次补充充电分2阶段完成:第1阶段电流以额定容量的10%进行,时间以10小时左右为宜;第2阶段充电电流和时间均减半进行。应重视新蓄电池的初充电 新品干荷蓄电池加好电解液半小时后,虽有电流输出,可直接投入使用,但为有效地提高蓄电池今后的性能和使用寿命,*好进行1次初充电后再使用。同样,初充电也分为2阶段来完成:第1阶段电流以额定容量的5%进行,时间为30小时左右;第2阶段充电电流减半进行,时间为25小时左右。 今年以来,在国内经济增速放缓,市场竞争进一步加剧的背景下,安徽叉车集团充分发挥合力品牌在市场上的*度和影响力作用,在逆境中谋增长,一季度,实现叉车销量2万多台,同比增长4%,其中3月份销量突破1万台,再创单月历史新高。 Heli forklift battery belongs to Anhui HELI 5 tons of large tonnage forklift truck, equipped with 80V650Ah, large capacity, power enough, can fork 4-5 tons of cargo, is enough to force, force the battery model 40-5PZS650H, which belongs to the tractor, optional brand matching: Anhui Xunqi, Zibo torch, Zhejiang day as the source of power different brands of Heli forklift battery, the price is not the same, Guangzhou Bay Power Supply Co. Ltd. has a lens to provide the original force of battery group, a matching market products, quality Cengcengbaguan, protect the car consumers. Users in the use of force in the process of electrolytic battery, the liquid level is below the plate due to forces in a "three high" climate year-round environment, moisture evaporation, if not timely check and add distilled water, will make the liquid surface plate and contact with air oxidation. During the running process, the electrolyte fluctuates from top to bottom, and is contacted with the oxidation part of the polar plate. Clean the maintenance is not timely in peacetime maintenance of vehicles, often ignore the battery to wipe maintenance, overflow electrolyte long-term accumulation in the cover, causing very pile and chuck corrosion, produce the oxide, thus forming pathway on the cover, appear self discharge phenomenon. The air vent on the cover of the new battery cover is sealed by ignoring the vent of the battery. Otherwise, in the use of the gas can not be discharged, the battery will explode due to excessive pressure. Adding distilled water to the battery is too arbitrary. After adding distilled water, it is necessary to charge the battery through the generator, so that the distilled water and the electrolyte are fully mixed. If the distilled water is placed for a long time without charging, the distilled water does not mix well with the electrolyte, which causes the self discharge of the battery or the polarity of the battery.

Heli forklift battery charging 5T number can reach more than 1000 times, given the high capacity itself 10%, continued to work long hours for a variety of terminals, ports, warehouse, forklift, always check the positive and negative pile and connecting wire joint connection is between the positive and the negative pole and the good battery connecting wire with iron screws are fixedly connected, the electrolyte is easy to corrosion screw nut, the loose connection, the contact resistance increases, resulting in motor weakness or unable to start. Therefore, usually to check whether the loosening and tightening. In addition, there is an easily overlooked, is extremely pile and wire connecting joints between the 2 contact surface is a serious oxidation or dirt, if there is, even if the connection screw is not loose, the resistance is still large current flows through here, so the starter will cause difficult or can not start. At this time, the blade will be used to scrape the 2 contact surfaces and then connect. After the connection, the surface of the connection is preferably coated with butter or vaseline to prevent the corrosion and oxidation of the electrolyte. When the battery is defective, it is necessary to recharge the battery in time, such as the dim light, the hoarse voice, the inability to start and so on. The battery plate of the battery is easy to be cured, the battery capacity is decreased, the internal resistance is increased, and the output current is reduced. At this time, the battery charger should be recharged in a timely manner until a large number of bubbles in the electrolyte. Battery maintenance should be carried out when the long-term maintenance of the vehicle during the storage period, the battery should be generally concentrated in the battery room, by the person responsible for the maintenance of custody. Notice, there is an internal battery self discharge, daily self discharge of about 2%, so the battery must have special storage room, check regularly, at least a month of charging 1 times, each time of charging is completed is divided into 2 stages: the first stage current to the rated capacity of 10%, the time was about 10 hours suitable; second stage charging current and time of the half. Attention should be paid to the new battery charging at the beginning of new dry charged battery with the electrolyte after half an hour, although the current output can be directly put into use, but to effectively improve the performance and service life of the battery in the future, the best for the 1 time at the beginning of charging before use. Similarly, the initial charge is also divided into 2 stages to complete: the current phase of the rated capacity of the 5% of the time, the time is about 30 hours; the second half of the charging current of the second phase, the time is about 25 hours. This year, the slowdown in the domestic economy, market competition further intensified in the background, Anhui Forklift Group and give full play to the visibility and influence factors of brand in the market, in the face of adversity and growth, a quarter of forklift truck sales of more than 20 thousand units, an increase of 4%, which in March sales exceeded 10 thousand, hit a record monthly a new high.