*供应广州地区高尔夫球车蓄电池,适用球场内电瓶车、游览车、观光车、保安巡逻车等以电瓶作为动力的车辆。可选择8V、6V作为能源来源,这种电动高尔夫球车电瓶对极板要求十分严谨,稍有品质跟不上,会出现爬坡无力,有或者容量不达的标球车蓄电池情况下无法行驶,对处于游玩的高端客户,出现尴尬局面,损害了高尔夫球场声誉,在使用过程中,需要注意维护保养球车电瓶,对于极板严重硫化的蓄电池,可采用添加化学药剂的方法去硫。其方法是:先将蓄电池用20h放电率将电放光,倒出电解液,再用蒸馏水冲洗一次,然后配制密度为1.100-1.150的电解液,在电解液中按重量比加入0.1%-0.5%化学纯的碳酸钾或碳酸钠,以不使电解液密度有显著改变为限。将混合好的电解液注入电池中,使液面达到规定高度,用蓄电池额定容量1/20的电流充电,当单格电池电压达到2.4V时,将电流减半继续充电,直至充足,然后再放电、充电,如此反复,直至容量恢复到80%额定容量为止。充电终了不需将电池内的电解液倒出,按规定调整好电解液密度和高度即可使用。 电动高尔夫球车是专为高尔夫球场设计开发的环保型乘用车辆,是一种短途交通工具,具有行驶平稳,乘坐舒适的特点。电动高尔夫球车按车乘人数可以分为2座,4座,6座,8座等类型,采用电池驱动,速度在18~24公里/小时,一次充电完成可以行驶80公里左右,*大的可以行驶100公里以上。电动高尔夫球车的加速器是无级变速系统,根据电流大小来调整行驶的速度。

高尔夫球车使用的动力来源一般为富液式铅酸蓄电池,单体电池以6V和8V居多,通过多只串联构成36V/48V供电系统。经市场调查发现,高尔夫球车铅酸蓄电池普遍在使用1年多之后,性能出现明显下降,导致其使用寿命大大缩短,更换蓄电池又要付出昂贵的成本,同时大量废旧蓄电池的产生会对环境和人类健康造成危害。 球车电池电解液的温度对电动车蓄电池的容量影响很大,存放的环境温度每降低1℃,电池容量将会减少约1%--2%。所以要提高电动车电的解液温度,应该把电动车停放室内,或将蓄电池搬进0℃以上的室内。 在冬季当电动车蓄电池放电50%后,电解液就有结冰的危险。所以,冬季电动车蓄电池的放电程度不允许超过50%。在冬季,要经常检查电动车蓄电池的存电情况,不足时应及时补充。保证电动车蓄电池的存电量就是有效保护了电动车蓄电池。观光电动车蓄电池加入蒸馏水应与电解液混合均匀。如果来不及混合好,浮在电解液上层的蒸馏水将结冰。所以在冬季给电动车蓄电池添加蒸馏水,马上立即给其充电,或边充电边加蒸馏水,可使电解液和蒸馏水迅速混合,这样就不会结冰了。

随着国内旅游市场的逐渐火爆,各大旅游景区面对日益增长的游客数量,如何在旅游景区内成功的将游客分流,同时交通工具本身也能成为旅游景区吸引游客的一个部分。在这样的背景下,传统的大巴车或电动观光车已经远远不能满足旅游景区的事迹需求。观光高尔夫球车蓄电池成了电瓶车的动力来源,在广州地区很多球场可见。Specializing in the supply of golf cart batteries in Guangzhou area, suitable for use in the field of battery cars, sightseeing cars, sightseeing cars, security patrol cars and batteries as the driving force of the vehicle. Can choose 8V, 6V as a source of energy, the electric golf cart battery on the plate is very strict, a little quality can not keep up, there will be climbing weakness, or capacity is not up to the standard ball car battery case can not run in the play of high-end customers, the awkward situation, damage to the reputation of the golf course, during use, the need to pay attention to the maintenance of ball car battery, battery plate for serious and curing method can be used to add chemical desulfurization. The method is: first the battery discharge rate of 20h electric light, out of the electrolyte, and then rinsed with distilled water once, then with density 1.100-1.150 electrolyte in electrolyte according to the weight ratio of potassium carbonate is added into the pure chemical 0.1%-0.5% or sodium carbonate to the electrolyte density has a significant change. The electrolyte is mixed into the battery, so the liquid level reaches the prescribed height, the charging current of battery rated capacity of 1/20, when the cell voltage reaches 2.4V, the current half will continue to charge, until sufficient, and then discharging and charging, so repeatedly, until the capacity recovery to 80% of the rated capacity. At the end of the charge, the electrolyte in the battery is not needed to be poured out, and the electrolyte density and the height can be adjusted according to the requirements. Electric golf cart is designed for the golf course design and development of environmentally friendly vehicles, is a short distance transport, with a smooth ride, ride comfort characteristics. Electric golf cart by the car by the number can be divided into 2 seat, 4 seat, 6 seat, 8 seat type, powered by battery, speed of 18~24 km / hour, a charge can travel 80 kilometers or so, the maximum can run more than 100 kilometers. The accelerator of an electric golf cart is a continuously variable transmission system, which adjusts the speed of the vehicle according to the current size.
The power source of the golf cart is generally rich liquid type lead-acid battery, the single cell is mostly 6V and 8V, and the 36V/48V power supply system is composed of many series. The market survey found that the golf cart after using the common lead-acid battery for more than 1 years, the performance decreased significantly, which has greatly shorten the service life of battery replacement and costly, and produce a lot of waste batteries on the environment and human health hazards. The temperature of the battery electrolyte of the ball car has a great influence on the capacity of the battery of the electric vehicle, and the environmental temperature is reduced by 1 DEG C, and the battery capacity will be reduced by about 1%--2%. Therefore, to improve the solution temperature of electric vehicles, electric vehicles should be parked indoors, or the battery will be moved into the room above 0 degrees celsius. In the winter when the electric vehicle battery discharge 50%, the electrolyte has the danger of icing. Therefore, the winter electric vehicle battery discharge degree does not allow more than 50%. In winter, we should always check the battery storage battery electric vehicles, the lack of timely replenishment. To ensure that the electric car battery storage capacity is to effectively protect the electric car battery. The electric vehicle battery should be mixed with the electrolyte. If it is too late to mix well, the distilled water floating on the top of the electrolyte will freeze. So in the winter to the electric car battery to add distilled water, immediately to its charge, or charging while adding distilled water, electrolyte and distilled water can be quickly mixed, so that it will not freeze.
With the domestic tourism market gradually popular, the scenic spots of the face of the growing number of tourists in tourist attractions, how successful the tourists shunt, a part of the vehicle itself can also become tourist attractions to attract tourists. In this context, the traditional bus or electric sightseeing car has been unable to meet the needs of tourist attractions. Golf cart battery has become a source of power for the battery car, in many areas of Guangzhou visible.