J250P蓄电池属于游览车专用蓄电池,美国Trojan邱健电池实行配套,6V250AH电瓶,20小时率。观光车蓄电池充分利用壳体空间,合理改善电池内部结构,在活性物质中采用了纳米添加剂,其比能量达38-40Wh/Kg;绝对不含有对人体危害极高的元素镉。采用*新研究成果铅钙系列六元合金,以提高电池的性能;应用高性能配方和前沿科技的板栅合金材料,具有长寿命特点,25℃正常使用情况下可达600次以上。按规定维护使用,循环次数可达650次以上;内部结构优化,加之板栅材料未采用水分解电位较低的合金元素,电池耐高电压、大电流快速充电而精密的检测设备自动将有不良缺陷的电池剔除,从而确保出厂的电池的品质,由于只需将车载充电机的插头插到停车场或其附件的电源插座上即可进行充电,因此对于需要为电动观光车充电的用户而言,在家里充电式*可取的方式。而且由于充电速度较慢,只需几千瓦的功率即可。由于在家充电,对于带有停车场的公寓或者多层住宅来说,可安装带保护回路的室外电源插座,保证能够独立运行。而且应保证不经允许,居民不得 电源插座。美国rojan邱健电池J250P是美国球车成熟产品,游览观光车的领域使用广泛,现在市场上主流的景区观光车,主要按座位数来分,有2座、4座、6座、8座、11座、14座、23座等。8座及8座一下的观光车,乘坐人数相对较少,可用于景区内的观光车租赁、贵宾参观接待等;11座和14座车,车体宽大,载重量也较大,可乘坐人数较多,因此可作为景区主要选择的车型;23座车,车身较长、较宽,在狭窄的地方不容易转弯,适合在道路宽阔、平缓的景区里使用。Trojan蓄电池不管是电动游览观光车,电动巡逻车,电动游览高尔夫球车,电动老爷车等等在设计和使用上都是以蓄电池为动力电源,所以蓄电池的好坏就尤为重要,是关乎车子寿命的一大关键地方,一般蓄电池都是由生产厂家自配,所以并不需要特别的选购,在日常使用中做好检查工作,*大限度的保证车辆的工作效率*高。 J250P battery is a special battery for sightseeing vehicles, the United States Trojan Qiu Jian battery matching, 6V250AH battery, 20 hours rate. Sightseeing car battery to make full use of housing space, improve the internal structure of the battery, the active material with nanometer additive, its energy is 38-40Wh/Kg; with absolutely no harm to the human body of high cadmium. Using the latest research results of series six lead calcium alloy, to improve the performance of the batteries; grid alloy material formulation and application of high performance of cutting-edge technology, has long life characteristics, 25 C under normal use up to 600 times. According to the provisions of the maintenance, cycles up to 650 times; the internal structure optimization, and the grid material without using water decomposition of alloy elements with low potential, high voltage, high current battery fast charging and precision testing equipment will automatically have defect battery removed, so as to ensure the quality of the battery factory, because only the plug in vehicle charger plugs into a power socket parking lot or its attachments for charging, so as for the need for electric sightseeing vehicle charging users, charging the most desirable way at home. And because the charging speed is slow, only a few watts of power can be. As a result of charging at home, with the parking lot of apartments or multi-storey residential, can be installed with a protective circuit of the outdoor power outlet, to ensure the independent operation. And shall ensure that residents are not allowed without permission. The United States is the United States J250P rojan Qiu Jian battery cart mature products, widely used in the field of sightseeing car, now on the market mainstream scenic sightseeing car, mainly according to the number of seats, 2 seat, 4 seat, 6 seat, 8 seat, 11 seat, 14 seat, 23 seat. 8 and 8 about the sightseeing car, take a relatively small number, can be used in the scenic sightseeing car rental, VIP tour reception; 11 and 14 seater car wide load is larger, can take a number, it can be used as the main scenic choice models; 23 seater body is longer, wide, not easy to turn in a narrow place, suitable for use in wide roads, gentle scenic spots. Trojan battery whether electric sightseeing cars, electric car, electric car, electric golf tour, vintage car on the design and use are based on battery power supply, so the battery quality is particularly important, is related to the life of a car key, the battery is generally by the manufacturer together so do not need special purchase, do the inspection work in the daily use, ensure the vehicle to maximize the efficiency of the highest.