• 6V245Ah观光电动车蓄电池3-EV-190/6V245AH


     品牌:骆驼  型号:3-EV-190/6V245AH  化学类型:铅酸  
     电压:6V  类型:起动型  电池盖和排气栓结构:开口式  
     额定容量:245AH  外形尺寸:260*180*250(285) mm 适用范围:电动车  
     票据支持:13%增值税,销售合同  配送支持:送货上门,全国多地提供安装  保修期:壹年  
    本车配备全自动智能脉冲充电机,能对蓄电池组进行全自动充电,全过程无须人员监控,充电时问超过10小时后,充电机自动停止充电。充电时问应保持通风良好避免氢气聚集引起爆炸。维护蓄电池时,请使用带有绝缘手柄的工具,以免造成蓄电池短路及伤害人体。充电机对输入电源要求:电压:单相交流220V/50Hz电源插座:16A导线截面积≥4平方毫米。司机在行驶过程中,要随时观察组合仪表上蓄电池电量指针的指示(仪表上电量指针在红色区域内,必须停车,及时充电),估计车辆的行驶里程,以免该充电时车辆不能及时返回充电,造成蓄电池亏电,缩短使用寿命。 如果您在使用电动巡逻车的过程中有任何的疑问,均可与我们联系,我们可以与给您提供更详细的电动巡逻车维护方案。  电动观光车一直以来都是短途运送的*佳工具,它不仅使用成本低,而且行驶平稳安全。而这一特性又恰恰符合了校车的使用标准,所以使用电动观光车当校车确实是一个稳妥的方法。那么,电动观光车哪些走符合这些要求呢?首先安全系数上,由于电动观光车属于新型特种车辆,车辆都装置限速系统,正常行驶的话车速多在20-30km/h,而且较低的低盘设计,也*大限度保证了行驶时候的平稳性。新型材料的应用及车身结构设计,使得整车质量仅在1000kg左右,所以即使发生侧翻,也不会对驾驶及乘座人员造成较大的伤害。其次在价格这块,一款8座左右的电动观光车价格多在5万元左右,这相对传统校车少至大几万,多至上十万的价格要便宜不少,而且其主要动力源为电,据推算电动观光行驶100KM的使用成本仅8元左右在,这就为我们节省了不少的使用成本,而且简单的车身结构设计,使其在后期的保养与维护也是较为简单的,我们只需定期对其蓄电池进行简单的维护即可。*后其采用人体工程学设计,借鉴了欧美时尚造型,整体车型大方美观,采用大弧面客车专用景观玻璃,视野开阔;其麦弗逊独立悬挂减震系统,使驾驶更舒适安全,同时这对于提升学校的整体形象也会有一定的帮助。所以综上来看我们拿电动观光车当校车使用,不仅很大程度上提升了现有校车的安全系数,同时也为校方节省了一笔不菲的使用开支。所以可行性还是比较大的。Electric sightseeing car is a kind of regional electric vehicle, is designed for tourist attractions, parks, amusement park, closed community, campus, garden style hotels, resorts, villas, city walking street, driving, and other regional development of regional port patrol, environmental protection special walking electric passenger vehicles. Because the electric sightseeing car is using the battery, not to water, so it is necessary to pay attention to when cleaning, we should choose a sunny day to clean electric sightseeing cars, then prepare all cleaning tools, the main tools are the buckets, automotive professional detergent, brush, cloth, wax, alcohol, washing powder, water etc.. Finally, select a suitable site for the electric sightseeing car cleaning work, it is best to avoid direct sunlight, clean the place to have water pipes and drains, so that when it is more convenient to wash. First of all, the use of plastic bags or other obstructions to contact some power to cover up parts, and then diluted detergent poured into a special water bucket, and then began to wash the electric sightseeing car, do not wash water to get the driver's seat position, when necessary, with a cloth dampened with water wipe. Secondly, after cleaning with water pipes connected to the car wash, wash the above all washed clean. After cleaning, use a dry cloth to clean the water, for some small parts of the cleaning should pay special attention to. If the rubber parts can not be washed with water, wipe with a cloth only. Foam parts should be washed with detergent. The seat on the car is best to wipe with alcohol, disinfection, seat do not flush with water. Finally, so after wiping the work, with a dry rag is best to wipe a check, so as not to have water. It should be noted that in the low temperature of winter is best not to clean the car, so as not to cause water damage caused by icing on the car. In many areas in order to improve the safety factor, will be equipped with some electric patrol car to check the safety of the park security personnel, the most important components for the electric car is the battery, so how to regular maintenance of the battery, in order to extend the service life of the electric car? Open the charging port, plug in the positive and negative pole plug charger and battery power supply, people can be connected to the battery charger for charging. The car is equipped with automatic intelligent pulse charger can automatically charging the battery, the whole process without staff monitoring, charging time more than 10 hours after the charger automatically stop charging. Charging should be kept well ventilated to avoid the accumulation of hydrogen caused explosion. Maintenance of the battery, please use the tool with an insulating handle, so as not to cause the battery short circuit and damage the human body. Charger requirements for input power supply voltage: 220V/50Hz single-phase AC power socket: 16A wire cross-sectional area greater than 4 square millimeter. The driver in the driving process, to observe the battery indicator on the instrument cluster (indicating instrument power pointer in the red zone, must be timely, parking, charging) estimation of vehicle mileage, so as to avoid the charge when the vehicle cannot be in charge, causing the battery power loss, shorten the service life. If you have any questions in the use of electric patrol car, you can contact us, we can provide you with more detailed electric patrol car maintenance program. Electric sightseeing car has always been the best tool for short distance transport, it is not only the use of low cost, and smooth and safe driving. This feature is precisely in line with the use of school bus standards, so the use of electric sightseeing bus when the school bus is indeed a safe way. So, what kind of electric sightseeing car to meet these requirements? Firstly, the safety factor, because the electric sightseeing vehicle is a new type of special vehicles, for the normal running of the vehicle speed limit system, then speed in 20-30km/h, but low disk design, also ensure the smooth running of the maximum time. Application and design of the body structure of new material, the vehicle mass is only about 1000kg, so even if the rollover occurs, it will not cause greater harm to the driver and passengers. Secondly, in this price, a 8 seat about electric sightseeing vehicle price of more than 50 thousand yuan, compared with the traditional bus to the few tens of thousands, multi price a lot cheaper one hundred thousand first, and the main power source for the use of electricity, according to estimating the cost of electric sightseeing traveling 100KM is only about 8 yuan, saving the use this is our cost a lot, the body structure design and simple, so that in the late maintenance and maintenance is relatively simple, we only need to regularly on the battery maintenance can be simple. Finally, the ergonomic design, from the European and American fashion style, the whole vehicle appearance, with large arc special bus landscape glass vision; the Mcpherson independent suspension damping system, make driving more comfortable and safe, and to enhance the overall image of the school will have some help. So in summary we take electric sightseeing bus when the bus is used, not only greatly enhance the safety coefficient of the bus, but also save a lot of money for the use of expenses. So the feasibility is relatively large.
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