高尔夫球车、旅游观光车蓄电池都是以电瓶作为牵引动力,广州贝朗斯公司主要批发6V、8V、12V系列观光高尔夫球车电瓶,可迅速提供各种观光车电瓶价格,安装,设计方案,广泛用于工矿企业、仓库、码头及车站使用的搬运车、叉车等作为直流电源,亦可作为其它方面的配套电源,螺纹连接,焊接连接可分为软线焊接和铅连条焊接(又称硬连接)。 电池的主要性能 电池在放电过程中电解液的平均温度为30时,若其平均温度不在 30时,其容量可按下式换算。
旅游观光车蓄电池主要由正极板、负极板、隔板、电池槽、电池盖、极柱、密封圈、注液盖、 垫脚、电解液组成。正极板采用管式结构,负极板 为板式结构,电池槽与电池盖之间用热熔密封。 电动车电池在使用时,是由同一型号的电池按照规定数量和一定的方式连接成电池组来使用的。在温度为5~40的干燥、清洁及通风良好的环境中,*长保存期为两年。若超过两年,则其性能将相应降低。 在使用前应清除外表面灰尘及脏物,并逐只检查有无损坏,如有损坏者可视损坏情况 进行修复或更换。经检查无误后,根据需要或充电电源的情况将单体电池组合成电池组。 警告 装卸电池用的升降设备,必须能够承受电源箱的重量。当电池升降时,应确保所有人员不在电池下方。电池组装时,严禁使用大扭矩的工具进行电池的连接操作,以免损坏电池。 配制电解液时,应用清洁的耐酸及耐温的容器,先放入上述比例的水,在按比例将硫酸徐 徐加入水中,并用耐酸棒或净化的压缩空气随加随搅拌,使其混合均匀。电池温度低于35 时即可对电池进行初充电,若电池温度高于35应设法降温,否则不能进行初充电。 注意自电解液注入电池内至开始初充电间隔时间不得超过12小时。用直流电压表逐只检查电池的极性,避免造成反充电损坏电池。 充电时,所需电源的电压数值,初充电分两个阶段进行:*阶段:充电至电池的端电压普遍升到2.40V; 第二阶段:充电至电解液剧烈冒升气泡,电压与密度稳定(2~3)h 不变,且充电量达到 额定容量的4 倍以上。 注意 在任何充电过程中,电解液的温度不得超过55。若接近55时,应设法降温或减小 充电电流。若温度仍不下降,则应暂时停止充电,待温度下降后再继续充电。 电解液密度与液面高度调整: 若密度低时,应取出一部分电解液,注入预先配好的密度1.400 g/cm 的硫酸溶液,予以调整,并使液面高度符合规定。
高尔夫球车电池补充充电方法是用正常充电的第二阶段充电电流对电动车电池进行的充电,至电压及电解液密度稳定(2~3)h 不变。均衡充电的目的 电池在使用中,由于充电不足、放电后未及时充电等原因,使电动车电池活性物质得不 到及时恢复,发生钝化现象,影响了电动车电池的容量和寿命;对成组使用的电动车电池, 还存在蓄电池间状况的差别,长期使用会出现蓄电池间的参数的愈来愈不均衡现象,降低整 组电动车电池的性能。均衡充电可预防电动车电池的硫酸盐化问题,减少电动车电池组的不均衡性。 无论采用何种充电方式正常使用的电池每隔两个月。
旅游观光车蓄电池的表面应保持清洁、干燥,要及时清理落在电动车电池外表面、连接条及螺栓上的灰尘及测量过程中滴在电动车电池盖上的电解液,以确保电动车电池绝缘性能良好。 使用PE隔板的电池,在使用过程中电池内可能出现油状物质,属正常现象。 态,每月进行一次总检查、总测量。总检查的内容为:连接是否紧固、电解液液面、密度是否正常、电压是否均衡等,特别是采用智能充电的电池,往往忽视了对电池的检查,造成个 别存在问题的电池没有被发现,从而影响整组电池的性能。 在检查及测量电动车电池过程中,严禁踩压、碰撞电池盖、注液盖等电动车电池零部件,以防受损。对于部分电源箱体底部没有漏液孔,请在使用维护中勿将电解液或水溅入电源箱内,否则将使箱体腐蚀,并引起电池自放电,致使电池组的性能下降,甚至缩短寿命。如不慎将电解 液或水溅入箱内请用专用塑料管将其排出。 常见故障检修 电池产生故障的原因很多,除制造质量和运输保管影响以外,多数还是由于维护不当所 造成的。发现故障及时分析原因,尽快采取有效措施进行排除。充电到终期气泡冒的很微弱,甚至没 有气泡发生; 充电过程中电解液温度高,上升的也很快,自放电严重。 蓄电池内正负极板群之间落入导电物。 充电后静置时间不长,容量下降较多,且从电解液中不断冒泡,密度不断下降; 放电端电压下降较快,容量较低,密度低于正常值; 换用杂质含量在规定限度以内的新电解液; 将蓄电池表面擦洗干净,并保持干燥。
A golf cart, sightseeing car battery is a battery as traction power, Guangzhou Bei rance company mainly wholesale 6V, 8V, 12V series of sightseeing golf car battery, design can quickly provide a variety of tourist car battery price, installation, widely used in industrial and mining enterprises, warehouse, station using dock and truck, forklift as DC power supply, can also be used as a supporting power and other aspects of threaded connections, welded connections can be divided into flexible welding and even lead welding (also known as hard links). The main performance of the battery in the battery discharge process, the average temperature of the electrolyte is 30, if the average temperature is not at 30, its capacity can be converted by pressing.
Sightseeing car battery is mainly composed of positive and negative electrode plates, separator, battery tank, battery cover and pole, sealing ring, liquid injection cover, stepping and electrolyte. The positive plate adopts a tubular structure, and the negative plate is a plate type structure. When the electric vehicle battery is in use, the utility model is connected with a battery of the same type according to the specified quantity and a certain mode to be used in a battery pack. In a dry, clean and well ventilated environment with a temperature of 5 to 40, the maximum storage period is two years. If more than two years, its performance will be reduced accordingly. Should remove dust and dirt surface before use, and then only to check for damage, such as damaged or visible damage repair or replacement. After checking, the single cell is combined into a battery pack according to the need or the charging power supply. A lifting device for handling batteries must be able to withstand the weight of the power box. When the battery is up and down, make sure that all personnel are not under the battery. When assembling the battery, it is forbidden to use the high torque tool to connect the battery to avoid damage to the battery. Preparing the electrolyte, with clean acid and high temperature of the container, put the proportion of water in the proportion of sulfate added water, and acid rods or purified air with added with stirring, the mixture. When the battery temperature is lower than 35, the battery can be charged at first. If the battery temperature is higher than 35, it should try to cool down. Note that the time interval between the injection of the electrolyte into the battery and the beginning of the charging period shall not exceed 12 hours. Check the polarity of the battery by using the DC voltage meter to avoid the damage to the battery. When charging, the voltage value of the power required for the initial charge separation, in two stages: the first stage: voltage charging to the battery is generally up to 2.40V; the second stage: the sharp rise to the electrolyte charging voltage and the density of bubbles, stable (2 ~ 3) H constant, and the charge amount of rated capacity 4 times. Note that the electrolyte temperature should not exceed 55 during any charge. If close to 55, should try to cool down or reduce the charging current. If the temperature does not fall, it should be temporarily stopped charging until the temperature drops and then continue to charge. Electrolyte density and height adjustment: if the density is low, we should take out a part of the electrolyte, inject the sulfuric acid solution with 1.400 g/cm density in advance.
Golf car battery charging method is to use the normal charge of the second phase of the charging current of the electric vehicle battery charging, voltage and electrolyte density stable (2 ~ 3) H unchanged. The purpose of equalizing charge batteries in use, due to lack of charge and discharge time after charging, the battery electric vehicle active substances not timely recovery, passivation phenomenon, affecting the capacity and life of electric vehicle battery; the battery electric vehicle used in groups, there are differences between the battery status, long-term use will appear the parameters of battery increasingly unbalanced phenomenon, reduce the performance of the whole group of electric vehicle battery. Sulfation problems can prevent the electric vehicle battery charge equalization, reduce the imbalance of electric vehicle batteries. No matter what kind of charging mode of normal use of the battery every two months.
The surface of the battery tourist car should be kept clean and dry, to clean up the battery falls on the outer surface, and a connecting bolt and dust in the process of measuring electrolyte drops in the electric vehicle battery cover, battery to ensure good insulation performance. The use of PE separator batteries, in the course of the use of the battery may be oily substances, is a normal phenomenon. A monthly inspection, total measurement. The total examination content is: whether the connection fastening, electrolyte level, density is normal, if the voltage balance, especially the use of intelligent charging battery, often ignored the battery check, causing the problems of individual cells have not been found, thus affecting the performance of the whole group battery. In the process of inspection and measurement of electric vehicle batteries, it is strictly prohibited to step on the battery cover, liquid cover and other parts of the electric car battery, in case of damage. No liquid leakage holes on the part of the power at the bottom of the box, please do not put in use and maintenance of electrolyte or water splashing into the power supply box, otherwise it will make the corrosion, and cause the battery self discharge, resulting in decreased performance of the battery, and even shorten life. If the electrolyte or water splashed into the box, please use special plastic pipe to discharge it. There are many reasons for the failure of the common troubleshooting battery, in addition to the impact of manufacturing quality and transportation storage, most of them are caused by improper maintenance. Analyze the cause of the failure and take effective measures as soon as possible. Charging to the end of the bubble is very weak, or even no bubble occurs in the charging process, the electrolyte temperature is high, rising quickly