

浮充电是电池组长期和充电器输出以及负载并联在线的,作为备用电源随时可以同时用的,串联的24V电池组浮充电的充电电压一般为26.4V-26.8V之间调整。例如;充放电板电池组、应急发电机电池组。有的船舶反应应急发电机蓄电池放电很快,两三天电压机会下降到22V甚至20V。需要更换电池组,经询问核实确认,电池充满电后充电器被关闭,这样应急发电机的控制箱电源只能由电瓶提供了,这说明使用者对必要的、正确的充电方式不了解。均衡充电(也叫强充电),串联的24V电池组均衡充电电压一般为28.2V左右:所谓均衡充电,就是均衡电池特性的充电,是指在电池的使用过程中,因为电池的个体差异、温度差异等原因造成电池端电压不平衡,为了避免这种不平衡趋势的恶化,需要提高电池组的充电电压,对电池进行活化充电。均衡充电的概念是在富液式铅酸电池使用中提出的,目前大的多数的阀控式电池都明确提出“电池内不形成酸层,无需进行均衡充电“ ,均衡充电会对阀控式电池造成损害。对于富液式铅酸蓄电池,在均衡充电过程中应对电解液比重进行测量并对电解液液面进行必要到的调整,均衡充电一般应专人值守,控制充电时间,防止过充电。
5、 蓄电池应经常放电、充电,如有两组蓄电池应对其编号,交换进行充电、放电,防止另一组长时间不充电被损坏,但切忌过放、过充以免损坏蓄电池。充电前应详细记录蓄电池的电压、充电的开始和结束时间。
8、 航行在寒冷海区或气温在摄氏零度以下时,每天应对蓄电池进行小电流充电,保持蓄电池正常温度,或者适当提高电解液的比重,以免冻裂、。
9、 免维护蓄电池(铅酸蓄电池)维护保养按产品说明书要求进行。可用充电电流和电压表(万用表)判断蓄电池工作状况。此种电池一般有变色电量指示球,实际使用中多出现过指示球卡死,晃动蓄电池即可恢复正常。
Marine maintenance free storage battery CCS ship inspection certificate special battery for ship
Guangzhou Bei longs to provide long-term ship maintenance free battery battery, can be used as a ship, ship start, boat battery, power source, ship emergency lighting, communication equipment and other major power, optional marine battery brand: sailing ship battery, camel ship cruise ship with battery, storage battery and other well-known battery brand Changqing the brand, most marine storage battery with 6-CQW-210, 6-CQW-200, 6-CQW-150, 6-CQW-120, 6-CQW-100, 6-CQW-90, 6-CQW-70 these models, exhaust type maintenance free lead-acid batteries, but the starting current is above 1000CCA, MF on behalf of free maintenance, large yacht generating units, instant start, Guangzhou Bei rance company specializes in marine batteries, the supply of the domestic large shipyard, shipyard, reasonable price, timely delivery of adequate inventory.
A brief introduction of marine battery
1, the battery is a kind of battery, its role is to be able to store a limited amount of energy, in the right place. It works by converting chemical energy into electrical energy. It is filled with spongy lead of lead anode, fill two lead lead as cathode and electrolyte for dilute sulfuric acid with the proportion of 1.285. When charging, the electric energy can be converted into chemical energy, and the chemical energy can be converted into electric energy during the discharge. Battery discharge, metal lead is the anode oxidation reaction, the oxidation of lead sulfate; lead oxide cathode is two, reducing reaction, reduction of lead sulfate. Lead acid battery is a battery that can be recharged and discharged repeatedly. It is called the two battery. Its voltage is 2V, usually the three lead battery units are connected in series to form a shell with a battery pack, the voltage is 6V. The combination of 6 lead-acid batteries is our daily use of 12V batteries. Lead acid batteries to be used in a certain period of time to supplement the standard electrolyte.
Marine battery, maintenance free marine battery
2, the battery was often used to start the emergency generator, power supply as the lifeboat ship; for internal standby power supply switchboard main switchboard, remote control and engine room monitoring alarm system or UPS power supply box and the fire control system, battery usually occurs in the emergency condition, daily maintenance the equipment is available at any time is very necessary.
3, marine storage for the vast majority of lead-acid batteries, battery is the working principle of the first paragraph said. Can be divided into fooded and VRLA batteries, fooded batteries need to add standard electrolyte in the routine maintenance, the valve control type is not need to add electrolyte, is what we often say that the maintenance free battery. The battery must be used in the control box and the UPS power supply box. From the structure can be divided into single and combination. General single 2V lead-acid batteries on board used in the emergency switchboard and emergency lighting power supply automation. The single battery has the characteristics of long service life and large capacity, but the cost is high
In 3, the daily maintenance of the motor needs to understand the battery parameters:
And battery related parameters, here only to our daily management related to a brief introduction.
(1) the capacity of marine storage battery: usually the equipment capacity will be KW or. But that's not the case. In most countries are indicated by AH-- ah. His meaning is to ten hours discharge rate as the standard. For example, 90AH capacity battery, 10 hours for the benchmark theory can be 10 hours of continuous load current of 9 amps, this is only a theoretical value, there is a great relationship between him and the factors of environmental temperature, battery performance and so on.
(2) the end of discharge voltage: battery discharge process termination voltage will change greatly at different discharge rate and temperature, discharge termination voltage and discharging current allows a low value, low discharge current, terminal voltage requirements of high value. The temperature drops, the battery capacity decreases, and the termination voltage should be increased accordingly. Actual management, with 85% of the battery rated voltage for the termination of the discharge voltage. If you continue to discharge, the battery temperature, the internal resistance of the battery will significantly shorten the battery life, serious.
(3) the service life of battery charging and discharging: each time, called a charge discharge cycles, the battery can keep the output in a certain capacity under the condition of charge discharge cycles, called battery life. In fact, the ship is often used to determine the battery life of the battery to determine whether the end of the battery, which is not correct. The battery should be changed from the battery capacity, put the termination voltage and other factors to confirm. Even if the battery is not used for a long time, if not properly maintained and used properly, it will also be scrapped.
(4) floating charge and equalizing charge for marine battery (also called strong charge):
The floating charge battery and charger output and long-term load parallel online, as a standby power supply at any time can be used at the same time, charging voltage of 24V battery charging floating series is usually between 26.4V-26.8V adjustment. For example; the switchboard battery, emergency generator battery. Some ships respond emergency generator battery discharge is very fast, the two or three day voltage drops to 22V or even 20V. Need to replace the battery, by asking for confirmation, full battery charger is closed, so only the emergency generator control box power provided by the battery, this shows that users do not understand the necessary and proper charging. Balanced charge (also called a strong charge), series 24V battery equalization charging voltage is generally 28.2V